Play your part in raising YOUR community to the next level

To help fund this noble project, please donate generously. This is a golden opportunity to invest in a sadaqa jarriah. Invest in building a masjid and a centre that will serve the needs of the Muslim community in Adelaide.
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Attaqwa Islamic Complex

At-Taqwa is searching for a suitable location to house a Masjid as well as a multipurpose complex. At-Taqwa aims to establish a generation of educated, respectful and beneficial Muslim citizens who will contribute to the well-being, protection and development of society and mankind.
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About At-Taqwa

Attaqwa is a registered charity organisation registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) established in 2020. Attaqwa is dedicated to servicing the needs of the community here in Adelaide.
Attaqwa is looking for a suitable location to house a Masjid and multipurpose complex serving the community.
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